Fairy Metal Thunder Songs of Magic #1 eBook JL Bryan

Special double feature edition! Includes both Fairy Metal Thunder and Fairy Blues, the first two books in the Songs of Magic series.
A rock & roll fairy tale.
Jason plays guitar in a teenage garage band called the Assorted Zebras, but they have no fans, no gigs, and they're going nowhere. Even worse, Jason has a crush on their lead singer, but she doesn't seem interested in him at all.
Then Jason steals instruments from the fairy world. Soon the band is enchanting crowds, and Jason is a step closer to the girl he likes, but the new gear is brimming with destructive magic they can't control.
Their shortcut to success has cost a troupe of innocent fairies their livelihood and turned Jason and his band into enemies of the powerful Queen Mab, who sends hunters to track them down, including one of the most dangerous creatures in Faerie...a
small unicorn named Buttercake.
Fairy Metal Thunder Songs of Magic #1 eBook JL Bryan
It was ok. I really had high hopes for the series after coming to J.L. Bryan from the Paranormals Series (Jenny Pox, etc). The writing style is very similar, but where Paranormals still translated into a more mature 15-18+ YA novel series despite the simplistic writing style, The Song of Magic Series (of which Fairy Metal thunder is book 1 of) is definitely a very simplistically written series that translates into being meant more for Young Adults in the 12-14 range.But don't take that as I didn't like the book. Overall I enjoyed (and finished) it, and the story was interesting and one that I haven't seen explored much with fairy authors... I only really found it disappointing in that, for me personally, there wasn't enough depth or actual character development, and that compared to Paranormals, it's certainly meant for a younger age range in the YA category. I just wouldn't recommend it for anyone looking for a more mature YA novel centered around fairies. BUT, if you enjoy the more whimsical Fairy story with little to no violence, conflict, etc, then this is certainly a cute story you'll enjoy.
For more of my reviews, see my Goodreads account here: [...]
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Tags : Fairy Metal Thunder (Songs of Magic, #1) - Kindle edition by JL Bryan. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Fairy Metal Thunder (Songs of Magic, #1).,ebook,JL Bryan,Fairy Metal Thunder (Songs of Magic, #1),JLBryanbooks.com,NON-CLASSIFIABLE,FICTION Fairy Tales
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Fairy Metal Thunder Songs of Magic #1 eBook JL Bryan Reviews
When I saw this was free on in April I immediately hit download, and all because I had read Aeicha's review on her blog "Word Spelunking" last year. You can see it here. It seemed like a really fun and quirky idea for a story, and I'm happy to say it turned out to be just that.
The idea of a band using special instruments isn't a new idea when it comes to rock music, though it typically has something to do with a certain fallen angel that has horns and goat legs (or some variation). So when I see the words `fairy' and `metal' in one title, not to mention a cover with a fairy girl playing fiery guitar, well I pretty much have to read it at that point.
It's a pretty easy going novel with a great mix of humor and fantasy that keeps you on your toes. At first nothing really seemed out of the ordinary but as soon as a rather small thief is introduced into the mix it all begins to spiral out of control in a really fun and epic way. I liked the fact that it this didn't turn into one of those fairy novels that end up with a rather sinister shadow lurking behind every word, and I even like the fact the term "antagonist" is kind of skewed in this. I loved the descriptions of the fairy realm as well as the creatures that come along with it for example goblins, faeries, fauns and a really epic unicorn. Despite it's constant lightheartedness there are still a few mentions of the rather mischievous side to the fae. It even keeps to the main lore that go with the fae, like Queen Mad and the Sidhe.
I loved the everything about the band from it's goofy named, Assorted Zebras, to it's actual lyrics. The characters are also pretty cool, and the dialog never felt stiff or staged. The humor came easy and never once felt forced. I think the most surprising thing to me was the fact that the characters had depth to them, I never expected that from such a short book and I honestly think that if these guys had gone to my high school there is a pretty good chance I would have been friends with them.On a side note I want to know what was the problem with the slaw from McSlawburgers, and I'd pay money to see someone wear a hat with a bouncy burger on it.
So if you like awesome music mixed with fairies and fun then this is certainly the book for you. It's a fun read that I think most ages can enjoy, especially the younger ones.
When reading this, I was reminded of the uncomfortable experience of viewing artwork by someone who almost - but not quite - knows what they're doing. The linework may be pretty and the colors bright, but something keeps bugging me - wonky perspective or iffy anatomy - that makes my eye restlessly wander as I try to pin it down. Fairy Metal Thunder has a nice polish to it, with decent characters in a plot that, while not original, is at least serviceable, but something fundamental feels off beneath the surface, something that kept me from enjoying it fully. The characters tend to cliches, generally being dumber than they ought to be in order to further the plot - an impairment found on both human and fairy sides of the story. (Speaking of, a good portion of the story is devoted to the fairy musicians who left their instruments lying around to be stolen... a sideplot that goes nowhere after eating too much page count, and is clearly intended to be followed up on in later books.) Likewise, the story rarely surprised me, adhering to the genre formula. Predictability aside, though, it reads fairly smoothly, building up to a climax that demonstrates why unicorns are the most feared creatures in Fairyland. But then the final twenty percent of the file turns out to be padding/advertising for unrelated books. I wanted to enjoy it more than I did, but it just didn't let me.
I must admit that I picked this book up solely on the title and the cover. How could you not? Fairy Metal Thunder is about as awesome of a title as you can get. The story you're following Jason, a 17 yr old junior in a high school band. They aren't that good. Needless to say, Jason follows a thieving goblin into Fairyland and steals some magical instruments. Now they're really good, too good! The band gets swept away with the magic, and everyone around them. However, the owners of those magical instruments have to get them back and send a tracker with an amazing tracking companion after the band.
The entire time I was reading this book, I kept thinking of the anime Beck Mongolian Chop Squad - which I really liked! Except that there aren't any fairies, or goblins, angry fairy queens, or magical instruments in Beck. Of course, there aren't any mobsters, deaths, or guns (so far) in Fairy Metal Thunder; I suppose they aren't anything alike. But the silliness is there and I guess that is what connects them for me. This book kept reminding me of the anime to the point that Jason looked like Koyuki and Erin was Maho. It worked for me.
This is a fun, lighthearted book that had me smiling the entire time. A solid 3.5 stars.
It was ok. I really had high hopes for the series after coming to J.L. Bryan from the Paranormals Series (Jenny Pox, etc). The writing style is very similar, but where Paranormals still translated into a more mature 15-18+ YA novel series despite the simplistic writing style, The Song of Magic Series (of which Fairy Metal thunder is book 1 of) is definitely a very simplistically written series that translates into being meant more for Young Adults in the 12-14 range.
But don't take that as I didn't like the book. Overall I enjoyed (and finished) it, and the story was interesting and one that I haven't seen explored much with fairy authors... I only really found it disappointing in that, for me personally, there wasn't enough depth or actual character development, and that compared to Paranormals, it's certainly meant for a younger age range in the YA category. I just wouldn't recommend it for anyone looking for a more mature YA novel centered around fairies. BUT, if you enjoy the more whimsical Fairy story with little to no violence, conflict, etc, then this is certainly a cute story you'll enjoy.
For more of my reviews, see my Goodreads account here [...]

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